BE Ultimate: COVID-19

The last month and a half have brought about changes to our lives that most of us have never experienced before. As people take precautions and measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, trust that the safety of our staff and clients is our highest priority and that as a company we are following Health Canada and the WHO’s recommendations on best practices.
I’m sure many of our clients are wondering what exactly this means for you and your order:
1. If you currently have a team order with us, our timeline guarantees are suspended. We are working our hardest to get production timelines back down to regular levels, but do expect for your order to take longer than usual to arrive to you. For specific timelines, please reach out to your sales rep, who will be able to provide a more individualized timeline and approach.
2. For new and returning clients, we are still able to take and fulfill new orders. Some items may take longer to produce, but please reach out to us and we will be able to advise you of your options.
3. Your products will be safe to open and use. Due to the nature of COVID-19 and our supply chain mechanics, there is no chance of COVID-19 being present in your shipments. This is because:
- Your gear will be sterilized before it is packaged and shipped, and
- Our internal shipping takes longer than 24 hours, which is the lifespan of COVID on packaging materials.
4. For clients who are planning to use the In-Office Pickup delivery option, our policies have changed to decrease community transmission. Before coming into the office, please arrange an appointment with your sales rep so they can explain our new procedure.
In the meantime, the extra capacity our staff now has is allowing us to turn our attention to some fun ideas that have been on our backburner for a while. Stay tuned for projects and content that we hope will be exciting to you and your team.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about any of our COVID measures or how they may affect you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We hope that you all manage to do what is best for you and for our local and global communities. Stay safe out there, folks.