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Uniting Athletes: The Power of Inclusivity in Ultimate Frisbee

Uniting Athletes: The Power of Inclusivity in Ultimate Frisbee

Uniting Athletes: The Power of Inclusivity in Ultimate Frisbee

How it all Started

The journey of the All-Inclusive Ultimate Frisbee Project began in the early 2010s when Davide Morri started teaching Ultimate Frisbee in high school classes. During this time, they had students with autism and Down syndrome. From 2012 and 2019, parallel after-school practices of Ultimate were created that included students living with disabilities. This led to the birth of the "All-Inclusive After-School Program," a unique initiative that brought together students with autism, and those without.

After a few years, the success of the program inspired Davide to expand the initiative to the Bologna Flying Disc Association. He aimed to create a real team that welcomed anyone interested in learning Ultimate, with the goal of integrating athletes with autism into other city teams for summer and winter leagues.

Bridging the Gap in Inclusivity and Equality

This project plays a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and equality for athletes with autism in Ultimate Frisbee. When they start, their skill levels are often similar to beginner players. Throughout the year, they achieve significant progress both technically and situationally, enabling them to join practices and tournaments as any other player in the city. This inclusion creates a ripple effect of awareness, as top players and athletes in the city see how those experiencing autism fit into various leagues and events.

Growth and Future Aspirations

The project has seen remarkable growth over time. “We have consistently had 2 to 5 students per school join the after-school practice, and the number of players in the BFD All-Inclusive Team grew from 15 in 2023 to 26 in 2024.” Davide shares. The vision for 2025 is to establish a second group, continuing this upward trajectory.

Looking five years ahead, they hope to see some of the players transition from the All-Inclusive Group to beginners' and U20 teams, further solidifying their place within the broader Ultimate Frisbee community.

Integration vs. Separate Leagues

This project’s approach focuses on practicing together rather than creating separate leagues for players with special needs. During practice, players from BFD FOTTA and SHOUT often join, along with volunteers from the U24 and U20 teams. When it comes to league play, their inclusive team participates in mixed leagues with all members of the club and city.

Inspiration Behind the Project

Davide’s initial inspiration for creating opportunities for athletes with autism came from his volunteering experience with a special needs basketball team in 2006. This experience, combined with his studies in sports, highlighted the segregation these athletes often faced. “In my adult years, I realized that Ultimate Frisbee has the potential to welcome everyone without boundaries,” Davide says. “The potential of frisbee is unlimited”.

A Spotlight on Luca Bruni

A shining example of the project's impact is Luca Bruni.  “I met Luca in 2019 when he was in his second year of high school. Luca has Down syndrome, and he always participated in our all-inclusive after-school practices. In 2021 and 2022, I became a teacher at his school and dedicated more time to the program. After Luca graduated high school in 2022, his passion for Ultimate Frisbee led us to create the team.” Luca is currently one of the only active players in the world with Down syndrome, and his dedication is unwavering. His dream is to one day play for the Italian national team. The project will be used as a tool for bringing a voice and proper representation to neurodivergent athletes around the world. They deserve the same opportunity and privilege as all other athletes.

Focus on Youth and Adult Accessibility

The All-Inclusive Project primarily targets individuals over 16, extending into adulthood. “We recruit adult athletes with autism through various channels. Sometimes, we encounter potential players in schools and invite them to join the BFD all-inclusive team.” Davide Shares. For those over 18, they collaborate with Andrea Sammarchi, who works for the territorial services of the Bologna metropolitan area. Andrea introduces us to individuals who might be interested in joining our team.

What it’s All About

The All-Inclusive Ultimate Frisbee Project is more than just a sports program; it's a movement towards a more inclusive and equal society. By providing opportunities for athletes with autism to learn, grow, and compete alongside their peers, we are breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of community that extends beyond the playing field. Davide reached out to BE to join forces and get an important story out to the ultimate community and beyond. We align on open mindedness and a bigger purpose of advancing the sport of Ultimate, community equality and its inclusiveness. 

BE is proud to support Davide and this program as they look to the future, remaining committed to expanding this initiative and ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to experience the joy and camaraderie of Ultimate Frisbee.